Mungkin hanya untuk bergurau tapi rasanya Faezah Elai tak menyangka apa yang dilakukan itu dianggap body shaming. Isu tercetus bila baru-baru ini Fazura dan Fattah Amin telah menang anugerah pada majlis Anugerah Telenovela 2018 di KLCC.
Disebabkan tidak dapat hadir, mereka telah mewakilkan seorang wanita yang bernama Ieja Mohamed Saleh untuk mengambil trofi yang dimenangi.
Jadi isu apabila hos, Faezah Elai telah mengeluarkan kata-kata “Fazura lepas anak 5 orang.” merujuk kepada Ieja. Hal ini menjadi tular di laman sosial kerana gurauan ini dikatakan menghina bentuk fizikal Ieja.
Pun begitu, Faezah menafikan gurauannya sebagai menghina berat badan Eija sebaliknya merujuk kepada Fazura yang mungkin akan bertudung selepas ada 5 orang anak.
khas utk org yg tujuannya utk menghentam org lain and suka judge org.. Now which part yg i ckp “ Lepas anak 5 org”.. yg konon ada part body shamming?? Kat mana?? Wehh come on ah, my husband pon gemok,why on earth should i said something yg akan buat my own husband pon boleh terasa?? I said,anak 5 org cause org lain yg naik stage and she is wearing hijab.. tkde kena mengena pon ttg body dia.. i said anak 5 cause aku ada anak 5..so sapa kat sini pikir konon aku bodyshamming kan org? Infact tk terpikir langsung..
I’m not a person who talk about other people’s punya fizikal la.. If u yg tersalah faham why ajak org lain to salah faham jugak? And buat org lain dpt dosa free.. To the girl yg on stage semlm,if u think i was referring to ur body,u are absolutely wrong.. i don’t judge people,jauh sekali nak bodyshamming kan org.. BUT IF MY JOKES BUAT AWK TERASA,THEN I APOLOGISE..AS I DONT MEAN THAT..
Tq to all the kecaman.. and owh i dont need free publicity sbb it was not me yg post this and trying to buat best..
Klu kita seorg yg positive kita tak kan terfikir benda yg negative ..
And pls this is my ig and i tk suka komen2 yg negetive klu rasa nk tulis yg negative or nk mengutuk,boleh buat di ig sendiri,atau ig yg mmg nk kecam saya..
Tq .P/S : And owh that girl yg naik semlm,rasa nya tk gemok pon.. And cuba nk nyatakan yg naik stage semlm tu bukan pemenang tp org lain dlm maksud yg tersirat.. #dontjudge #saynotojudgement.
Girl Power
Tidak membalas kenyataan Faezah tapi, Fazura memuat baik satu artikel yang cukup bernas tentang percaya pada diri tanpa mengira bagaimana penampilan diri.
Wanita ialah ciptaan Tuhan yang sungguh istimewa. Hadirnya untuk melengkapi kehidupan alam semesta. Jadi, memang sepatutnya wanita kena rasa sempurna walau macam mana bentuk dan rupa diri mereka.
Dalam instagramnya, pelakon yang juga isteri kepada Fattah Amin, Fazura telah berkongsi satu artikel yang cukup bernas.
I once read an essay by Marie Southard Ospina, a Colombian-American journalist living in the UK and since then I’ve been following her works periodically. I found her essays to be refreshing, inspiring and witty. She once wrote that “The things that make us different need to also be perceived as the things that make us most beautiful”.
So to my fellow ladies out there, it does not matter whether you are skinny, fat, short, tall, white, black, a Malay, a Chinese, a Buddhist, a Christian, has curly hair, has six fingers in one hand, has a long neck or whatever, just remember that you are beautiful in more than one way as God had originally intended you to be. You’re a gift to the world and those who love you.
No matter how you look and your physical appearances, you’re special in your own way. You’re not a limited edition creation from God, you’re a bespoke, unique addition to the universe from Him. Don’t be cowed by small-minded people and their inane chatter or self-serving jokes. Be strong, be confident, be happy, be classy and forgive them for their own insecurities in life. We should celebrate our diversity, be kind and support each other. Remember to:.
.Bangun percaya diri,
Walau tiada pelangi,
Aku tetap di sini,Bangun terus berlari,
Walau ribut dan angin,
Aku tetap bangun.
.Once again, my BIG thanks and HUGS to my friends, fans, families and all you powerful ladies out there for your continuous love and support. I love you more. Believe in yourself! Girl Power!!! #GirlPower #URBeautiful #WomenEmpowerment #SayNoToBodyShaming